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Text File | 1991-08-23 | 8.8 KB | 358 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit DeHQX;
- { DeHQX v2.0.0 © Peter Lewis, Aug 1991 }
- interface
- uses
- MyTypes, MyFileSystem, MyStandardFile, AppGlobals, CRCs, MyUtilities, MyMainLoop, {}
- SmallEvents, MyNotifier, MyMenus, Displays, HQXLists, ReadHQX, DisplayHQX, {}
- MySystem7, Preferences;
- procedure DeHQXFiles;
- procedure DeHQXList;
- procedure DeHQXParameters;
- procedure AddFolder (vrn: integer; dirID: longInt);
- implementation
- const
- update_period = 1024;
- display_updates = 1024 div update_period;
- function DoFork (vrn: integer; dirID: longInt; var name: str63; {}
- wp: windowPtr; fork: forkType; len: longInt): OSErr;
- type
- updateRange = 0..update_period;
- var
- oe, ooe: OSErr;
- thecrc, actcrc: integer;
- i: longInt;
- j: integer;
- b: byte;
- outfile: integer;
- buffer: packed array[updateRange] of byte;
- bptr: updateRange;
- blen: longInt;
- procedure SimpleHandleUpdateEvents;
- var
- reply: HEReply;
- begin
- HandleCancelErrorEvents(0, nil, oe, reply);
- if reply.todo = T_Update then begin
- BeginUpdate(wp);
- DisplayUpdate(wp);
- EndUpdate(wp);
- end;
- end;
- begin
- crc := 0;
- if fork = data_fork then
- oe := MFSOpenDF(outfile, vrn, dirID, name, POut)
- else
- oe := MFSOpenRF(outfile, vrn, dirID, name, POut);
- DisplayFork(wp, fork, 0, oe);
- SimpleHandleUpdateEvents;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- for i := 1 to len div update_period do begin
- bptr := 0;
- for j := 1 to update_period do begin
- oe := ReadByte(b);
- if oe <> noErr then
- leave;
- buffer[bptr] := b;
- bptr := bptr + 1;
- end;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- blen := bptr;
- oe := FSWrite(outfile, blen, @buffer);
- end;
- if oe <> noErr then
- leave;
- SimpleHandleUpdateEvents;
- if oe <> noErr then
- leave;
- if i mod display_updates = 0 then
- DisplayFork(wp, fork, i * update_period, oe);
- end;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- bptr := 0;
- for j := 1 to len mod update_period do begin
- oe := ReadByte(b);
- if oe <> noErr then
- leave;
- buffer[bptr] := b;
- bptr := bptr + 1;
- end;
- if oe = noErr then begin
- blen := bptr;
- oe := FSWrite(outfile, blen, @buffer);
- end;
- end;
- CalcCRC(crc, 0);
- CalcCRC(crc, 0);
- actcrc := crc;
- if oe = noErr then
- oe := ReadInteger(thecrc);
- if (actcrc <> thecrc) and (oe = noErr) then
- oe := HqxFormatErr;
- DisplayFork(wp, fork, len, oe);
- ooe := FSClose(outfile);
- end;
- DoFork := oe;
- end;
- procedure DeHQXList;
- const
- fin_err = 1;
- var
- reply: MySFReply;
- oe, ooe: integer;
- hi: hqxInfo;
- wp: windowPtr;
- any_saved, any_errors, first_save: boolean;
- alertID, alertButton: integer;
- dummy_name: str255;
- prompting: promptStates;
- savefolder: boolean;
- ovrn: integer;
- odirID: longInt;
- did_something: boolean;
- fdel, fstop: boolean;
- procedure SetFirstSave (vrn: integer; dirID: longInt);
- begin
- if first_save then begin
- SetSFFile(vrn, dirID);
- first_save := false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Interact;
- var
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- oe := MyInteractWithUser(nil);
- end;
- begin
- if AnyInputFiles then begin
- OpenDisplay(wp);
- first_save := true;
- prompting := prefs.prompt_state;
- oe := noErr;
- while AnyInputFiles and (oe <> cancelErr) do begin
- did_something := true;
- StartList;
- savefolder := false;
- any_saved := false;
- any_errors := false;
- oe := OpenHQX;
- while oe = noErr do begin
- oe := ReadHeader(hi, wp);
- if oe = noErr then begin
- with reply do begin
- RfName := hi.name;
- Rgood := true;
- if savefolder then begin
- RvRefNum := ovrn;
- RdirID := odirID;
- end
- else
- CreateFolder(RvRefNum, RdirID);
- case prompting of
- PS_Always:
- begin
- Interact;
- SetFirstSave(RvRefNum, RdirID);
- PutFolder(GetGlobalString(sfput_string), RfName, put_folder_id, reply);
- if Rgood and Rfolder then begin
- if RfName = '' then begin
- RfName := hi.name;
- MFSUniqueName(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName); { cant really put up another dialog box! }
- end;
- savefolder := true;
- prompting := PS_Exists;
- ovrn := RvRefNum;
- odirID := RdirID;
- end;
- end;
- PS_Exists:
- if MFSExists(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName) then begin
- Interact;
- SetSFFile(RvRefNum, RdirID);
- PutFolder(GetGlobalString(sfput_string), RfName, put_folder_id, reply);
- if Rgood then begin
- if Rfolder then begin
- savefolder := true;
- ovrn := RvRefNum;
- odirID := RdirID;
- end
- else begin
- savefolder := false;
- prompting := prefs.prompt_state;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- PS_Skip:
- Rgood := not MFSExists(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName);
- PS_Overwrite:
- ;
- PS_Unique:
- MFSUniqueName(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName);
- end; {case}
- if not Rgood then
- cycle;
- with hi do begin
- name := RfName;
- wdrn := RvRefNum;
- dirID := RdirID;
- DisplayOpen(wp, hi);
- if oe = noErr then
- oe := MFSCreate(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName, c, t);
- if oe = noErr then
- oe := DoFork(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName, wp, data_fork, dlen);
- if oe = noErr then
- oe := DoFork(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName, wp, rsrc_fork, rlen);
- if oe = noErr then begin
- oe := ReadColon;
- end;
- DisplayFinish(wp, oe);
- end; {with}
- if oe = noErr then begin
- any_saved := true;
- end
- else begin
- ParamText(RfName, '', '', '');
- any_errors := true;
- case oe of
- cancelErr:
- begin
- fdel := true;
- fstop := true;
- end;
- HqxFormatErr:
- begin
- Interact;
- alertButton := Alert(hqx_error_alert_id, nil);
- fstop := not odd(alertButton);
- fdel := alertButton < 3;
- end;
- otherwise
- begin
- Interact;
- alertButton := Alert(disk_error_alert_id, nil);
- fstop := alertButton = 1;
- fdel := true;
- end;
- end;
- if fstop then
- oe := cancelErr
- else begin
- oe := noErr;
- quitNow := false;
- HiliteMenu(0);
- end;
- if fdel then
- ooe := MFSDelete(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName);
- end;
- DisplayClose(wp);
- end; {with}
- end; {if}
- end;
- FinishHQX;
- FinishList(prefs.delete_state and any_saved and not any_errors);
- end;
- if did_something then begin
- if prefs.auto_quit_state and any_saved and not any_errors then
- quitNow := true;
- if (oe <> cancelErr) or not in_foreground then begin { No sense beeping and notifying if the user canceled! }
- if prefs.beep_state then
- SysBeep(3);
- if prefs.notify_state and not in_foreground then
- Notify(true, false, 128, 1, 0, 0);
- end;
- end;
- CloseDisplay(wp);
- size_in_lists := 0;
- size_processed := 0;
- end;
- end;
- function HQXHook (var pb: HParamBlockRec): boolean;
- begin
- case prefs.display_state of
- DS_All:
- HQXHook := false;
- HQXHook := pb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType <> 'TEXT';
- HQXHook := (pb.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType <> 'TEXT') or not EqualString(Copy(pb.ioNamePtr^, length(pb.ioNamePtr^) - 2, 3), 'hqx', false, false);
- end;
- end;
- procedure AddFolder (vrn: integer; dirID: longInt);
- var
- pb: HParamBlockRec;
- name: str255;
- i: integer;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- i := 1;
- with pb do
- repeat
- name := '';
- ioNamePtr := @name;
- ioVRefNum := vrn;
- ioDirID := dirID;
- ioFVersNum := 0;
- ioFDirIndex := i;
- i := i + 1;
- oe := PBHGetFInfo(@pb, false);
- if oe = noErr then
- if not HQXHook(pb) then begin
- AddFile(vrn, dirID, name, prefs.create_dir_state <> CDS_Never, pb.ioFlLgLen);
- end;
- until oe <> noErr;
- end;
- procedure DeHQXFiles;
- var
- typeList: SFTypeList;
- reply: MySFReply;
- ovrn: integer;
- dirID: longInt;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- GetFolder(@HqxHook, -1, typeList, get_folder_id, reply);
- HiliteMenu(0);
- with reply do
- if Rgood then begin
- if not Rfolder then begin
- AddFile(RvRefNum, RdirID, RfName, prefs.create_dir_state = CDS_Always, -1);
- end
- else begin
- AddFolder(RvRefNum, RdirID);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DeHQXParameters;
- var
- paramCount, paramMessage, i: integer;
- tf: appFile;
- pb: paramBlockRec;
- ovrn: integer;
- odirID, dirID: longInt;
- oe: OSErr;
- sh: stringHandle;
- begin
- CountAppFiles(paramMessage, paramCount);
- GetAppFiles(1, tf);
- for i := 1 to paramCount do begin
- GetAppFiles(i, tf);
- if tf.fType <> myAppType then begin
- oe := GetDirID(tf.vRefNum, ovrn, odirID);
- AddFile(ovrn, odirID, tf.fName, prefs.create_dir_state <> CDS_Never, -1);
- ClrAppFiles(i);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end.